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Healthy Eating

What Happens to Your Body When You Skip Lunch, Says

Starting your day with a hearty breakfast and making dinner plans tend to be on most people’s daily to-do list. But then there is lunch. The often forgotten meal of the day that some might even just skip completely. It’s happened to the best of us where snacking between breakfast and dinner ends up being […]Read More

Healthy Eating

What Happens to Your Body When You Eat Black Beans

Actually, beans are good for more than just your heart. In fact, beans are full of all kinds of nutrients and vitamins that are incredible for your body’s overall health. From the soluble fiber to the plant-based protein found in beans, you can get a lot from a single serving. But what exactly happens to […]Read More

Healthy Eating

What Happens to Your Body When You Eat Oranges

Many of us know that eating an apple a day can reap some serious positive benefits for your overall health, but would the same happen if you eat oranges? Oranges are known for being packed with Vitamin C, but we went digging to uncover what that means for your body, and whether or not there […]Read More

Healthy Eating

The One Sweet Food To Eat for a Longer Life

Eating healthy and working out isn’t just meant for losing weight. In fact, these are important aspects of keeping your body healthy and happy for a longer life, and who wouldn’t want to add a few years onto their life? While a generic nutritious diet and workout regime will help with adding those years, there […]Read More