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Tags : all hair types

Sulfate Free

How to Use Hair Dusting to Preserve Your Length

Scared of scheduling a trim for your hair and leaving with a full-blown haircut? We totally get it! While regular trims should be a key part of every hair routine, it’s easy to feel the need to skip an appointment or two to preserve your length. After all, it can take years for your hair […]Read More

Sulfate Free

What Is the Best Temperature for Flat Ironing Your Hair?

When it comes to using hot tools, there are a lot of things to consider. Sure, you probably know that heat protectant is a necessity, but are you aware that the temperature of your heat tools is equally as important? While your heat protectant may offer protection against high temperatures, that doesn’t necessarily mean you […]Read More

Sulfate Free

What Are the Benefits of Biotin?

One dietary supplement you may have seen trending on your social media feeds is biotin for hair. There are plenty of beauty-boosting supplements out there, promising things like longer locks and younger-looking skin, and biotin just so happens to be one creating major buzz at the moment. You’ve likely heard about it, and maybe you even know someone […]Read More

Sulfate Free

How to Take Care of Your Hair

Let’s be real: The number one reason to look after your hair and follow a proper hair care routine is to keep your strands looking as pretty as can be. A gorgeous mane is the dream, after all. With blowouts and hair color techniques becoming standard practice, it helps to give your strands a touch […]Read More

Sulfate Free

How to Help Static Hair This Winter

Alongside dry skin, one of the most annoying side effects of winter is static hair. You know what we’re talking about: Hair that sticks up every which way, made worse by cold-weather clothing like turtlenecks and hats. So, is there anything you can do as part of your hair care routine to help smooth down static this season? It […]Read More

Sulfate Free

How to Moisturize Your Scalp

Whether you make regular appointments with your hairstylist or handle your hair care needs all on your own, using a scalp moisturizer is an absolute must. After all, just as you need to moisturize your face and the rest of your body, your scalp needs the same care. See, when it comes to maintaining healthy hair, everything begins […]Read More

Sulfate Free

How to Air Dry Your Hair Without Succumbing to Frizz

After every shower—or at least, every time you wash your hair—comes the question of whether you should blow-dry or air-dry hair. Blow-drying may seem preferable if an ultra-sleek style is what you’re after, but repeatedly using heat tools can take a toll on the appearance and health of your strands. No matter how much we love super-smooth […]Read More

Sulfate Free

How to Make Your Hair Look Less Greasy

Greasy hair got you down? Don’t grab your oversized hat in an attempt to go incognito just yet. With the right hair care products, you can help make your hair look less greasy in no time. Wondering what unexpected ingredient we love for oily roots at the moment? That would be clay. It’s been super-popular in skin care products for a while […]Read More

Sulfate Free

Everything You Need to Know About Hair Perming

It’s no secret that the ’80s have been making a comeback in the beauty industry (we’re looking at you, rocker makeup look). And while this blast from the past has mainly been powered by ’80s makeup ideas, one popular hair trend is making a return of its own. That’s right—the curly hair perm from back […]Read More